Vit-Buckle Academy and the Vit-Buckle Society proudly recognize and thank our industry sponsors for their generous support.
With technology that automatically adapts to your constantly changing surgical experience, the Stellaris Elite is reinventing responsiveness and revolutionizing control. Find out how the Bi-Blade Vitrectomy Cutter and the Vitesse Hypersonic Vitrectomy System can change how you perform surgery.
The dual-port design doubles the effective cut rate over single-edge vitrectomy cutters, allowing for faster procedures. With the consistent flow and 100% open duty cycle, surgeons can feel confident in the ability to shave more closely to a mobile retina, perform dissections and remove intraocular tissues.
See the difference when patented Directional Laser Probe technology is paired with over 60 lumens of light. Our Illuminated Directional Laser Probes facilitate transfer through valved cannulas in the straight position. Once in the eye, the ability to actuate the fiber up to a 90 degree curve provides access to the far periphery. We also decreased shaft flexibility by adding a 5mm stiffening bushing with the goal of delivering better feel during surgery.