Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage abutting Anterior Chamber Intraocular Lens

A 93 year-old male presented with a large suprachoroidal hemorrhage post-anterior chamber intraocular lens (ACIOL) placement following surgery for a dislocated lens. The exam was remarkable for appositional hemorrhagic choroidals abutting the ACIOL. He was without pain, had a stable anterior chamber, his intraocular pressure was 23 mmHg controlled on dorzolamide/timolol drops, and his visual acuity was light perception. How would you manage this patient?
Next Step
He was managed conservatively with topical therapy for 17 days (prednisolone 6x/day and atropine 2/day), followed by choroidal drainage surgery, upon warfarin cessation. At post-operative month three, he refracted to 20/80 and the hemorrhage was nearly resolved, although he retained undulations of his retinal pigment epithelium within the macula.