Each month, we’ll review a challenging medical or vitreoretinal surgical case from start to finish.
Dislocation of Posterior Lamellar Corneal Graft into the Vitreous Cavity with Viable Endothelial Cells
Break Point
Outside the Eye
Breakthrough Lesions
A Flying Saucer Sighting
Decreased Vision After A Fall
A nevus or more?
Dislocated IOL
Progressive Vision Loss in a Patient with Ataxia
Giant Retinal Tear with Progressive Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy Repair
Sweet Switzerland
ACIOL Rescue
Chronic, Progressive Subretinal Abscess Biopsy
I’m doing just fine
It’s Just Floaters
Long-standing nyctalopia
Two siblings with bilateral retinal abnormalities
A Young Male with Bilateral Placoid Choroioretinopathy
Something bubbling under the surface
A SHOX-ing Association
3-Year-Old Girl With a Lazy Eye
Surgical Treatment of Bilateral Stage 5 Traction Retinal Detachment in a 6-month-old Girl with 18p Deletion and FZD4 Mutation
A Novel Retinopathy
A Patient with Vision Loss
Sutureless IntraScleral (SIS) Fixation of an Intraocular Lens (IOL) in Cadaveric Eyes: View from Above and Below
White stuff in the retina
Superior scotoma and flashes in a young myope
IOL Rescue with Goretex Suture
Maxwell Stem, MD Pennsylvania Retina Specialists